Friday 7 October 2016

I'm Expecting ^_^

what a title? I'm expecting?
What am i expecting? 

There is a soul in my little tummy (not that small anymore) 
what it's feel like? morning sickness? nausea? stomach bloating? 

Its been 16 week now..Alhamdulillah far everything went well.

hahah anyway..thing that I've been through so far till date : 

Folic Acid?
What pill is this? Why pregnant mummy need to eat that? Is it really needed?
Some people said " Na...its ok not to eat that pill, just consume healthy meal - naturally "
Some people said " hey, y u r not eating Folic Acid? its best need for healthy baby bone & growth"
And then i go like ~ krik krik 
Confusing thought to many different suggestion...ergh...
haha & guess what
However, that depend actually - on what u or i consume on daily diet.
tough right? for a person that don't really calculate the diet or calorie she/he take.( I should be more concern on this actually - Doa moga2 gigih untuk berdisplin - wink wink)

Apa plak benda pil ni kan? kenapa ada orang cakap perlu makan? or xperlu? xmakan pn xpe?
ha sudah..camne? da la baru2 nk belajar apa yang baik or perlu makan kan? tetiba banyak pula opinion orang yang bermacam2 (- _-'') sangat confuse ok...

ahha ayat2 diatas ni throwback lama sangat ok...
harini agak free, maka kita kemas kini blog kita ni..
lama sangat x update, jumpa draft waktu tgh menggandungkan zafran dulu (^-^)

agak2 kalau next pregnancy camne plak?

Nak tulis dari awal la..hahahaha ( i whish)

Friday 20 May 2016

my work path

hai, harini menulis lagi,
sebab yang sama, nak meluahkan perasaan.
hahah bunyi sedih kan, luah perasaan dalam blog post. but i guess that what blog is about.

so here, today post is about..

work path..

kalau nak cerita panjang sangat.
tapi aku memang rasa dunia Developer (software) x berapa rasi dengan skill aku.
ha skill tau. bukan jiwa. haha sebab jiwa tu ada,tapi skill tu xcukup.

yes, people say..skill can be improve with hands on practice.this is the experience that so valuable as a worker.
tapi, memang bukan passion aku kot nak study sungguh2, never give up on coding tu.

tapi yang buat post arini sebab dalam post haritu aku da cerita pasal serabut tu kan.

ni sambungan dia la. dijadikan cerita, salah satu project tu ada error. so call major one la kalau in testing category. tapi sebab org yg berpengalaman in charge project tu xda. so lagi la macam hilang punca nak cari kat mana kecuali tengok dan paham coding.

tapi, ada banyak version pulak. so xtau version mana yang betul-betul berfungsi macam last year punya cycle. 
gigih betul.

dan seperti biasa, user push sebab mereka ni dah kena push dengan orang atas. 
aku ni plak. paham, aku pun kena push..tapi, all i can do is trying mybest to do fix it. but takes time la
aku da lama kot tinggal coding ni. lagi plak ni SAS punya coding. 
no- never involved kot. 
jadi mereka2 ni perlu paham la

i need more time. sebab aku bukan expert. 

bila mereka mengadu cakap sudah pening, boleh  menangis sebab tidak siap2 lagi kerja tu. effect KPI segala bagai la.
aku boleh ye kan je la. sebab aku memang paham. tapi limited ability untuk bantu.

- sekian - 

never give up walaupun moral down. 
haha its ur life sweet and sour gitu.

tapi, serabut2 kerja ni pun, balik rumah memang aku x tengok da. 

kesian kan? haha.

Thursday 12 May 2016

bila serabut

memang betulkan 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara? 

Image result for 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara

gambar sumber google

so minggu ni aku rasa days aku kat office a bit hectic.
ke sebab aku terasa macam tu bila dapat so call 'gently reminder' dari orang atas aku.

hahahaha ..... ergh... 
cakap pasal orang atas aku.. being ages kot not in the office. at earlier stage , that person said its due to the office network is so slow. (so i called network cam siput berlari..macam dalam citer upin ipin tu)

and to highlight, there's no one else , that the user can come and queries in anything. 
untuk makluman jugak, aku antara pelapis baru la masuk kerja tempat ni. hahahah bila aku masuk je semua orang quit? ( walaupun sebenarnya da lama dorg tunggu saat2 tu)

jadi , tinggal la aku budak baru belajar pasal project tu. ( 3 project ok) dan semua tu aku incharge.
haha i dont expect my 'orang atas' tu akan tiada kat office. sebab dia ni memang jenis orang yang komited kerja la senang cakap. 
lunch xkeluar, makan kt opis , balik lambat. ( haha sebab aku suka balik on time)

berbalik pada topik serabut tu, harini aku tak berapa nak ada keigingan atau semangat nak buat kerja. 
hahah sebab rasa macam sudah menemui jalan buntu dalam troubleshooting yang aku buat ni.

hahah wish i can be a working at home mom. walaupun sebenarnya sama je golongan2 ni struggle kerja dari rumah.
tapi macam kita selalu pikir la, senang je tu. sebab kita x betul2 buat lagi kan?

haha rasa nk fly je dari kerja aku harini. 
sebab tu la terhasilnya post baru ni.

ok, luahan perasaan walaupun sendiri taip jer. memang boleh jadi terapi diri.

works for me as per now la .


nanti nak add new post lagi. 

pasal hobi buat collection resepi ..
tapi x masak2.


Tuesday 15 September 2015

new place~

its been 1 month now...
I've moved to this new place ~

its not that far, in term of distance..
but in term of what i do? haha like ages kot i left this part somewhere inside my brain..

hahah please make it work functioning again nur!

hahaha i do wonder....betul ke la pe aku buat ni?
sooo newbies -  giler la plak..terkial2,
its like far way far far away from their expectation jer? kot?

hahaha can i say that it's my learning process still?
asah2 otak yang sudah berkarat skill tu

kipidap! dont give up!

Monday 9 March 2015

~~ batuk + bayi ~~

his been 5 months and 12 days today ~

yet, its been his 2nd time caught with cough and fever .

1st time was 2 month before, where he's infected from me. So called I introduced him to the virus.

ibu dia ni batuk + demam dulu, baru dia batuk tapi xdemam ^_^. ( hahah ley pulak ada smiley kan)

maybe orang lain nampak aku ni macam ibu yang sesuka hati je biar anak dia batuk la, selesama la, demam la & refused medication as its treatment. (tapi aku amik vaksin tau untuk anak aku yg soleh & comel tu).

aku macam agak typical la nak bagi ubat batuk & selsama untuk bayi < 6 months.

Eventhough some says " cian baby batuk, perit, penat, pedih " aku pulak boleh cool & tenang-tenang je.

Reason why is that

  •  I believed that it's normal for a baby to get sicks - as he's born healthy & will need to develop his own immunization.  
  • Cough is how a body/ 
  • Based on reading (Google) - dr.Zubaidi said that, should give time for the baby to heals & recover - but make sure monitor the temperature and behavior/color of the mucus  
  • Breastfeed baby get the best suit milk nutrition for his condition.
hahah tapi ada jugak situasi mana kita as ibu & ayah ni kadang2 terpaksa beralah dengan persekitaran. contoh bila kita kat dalam situasi ni : 

  • @ rumah atuk2 & nenek2 baby (which seems like they r to concern - sayang sangat x boley tengok cucu mereka ni nangis )
  • @ persekitaran yang mereka tak berapa clear/ paham yang bayi menangis sebab itu je cara bayi berkomunikasi bila bayi x selesa.
  • @ persekitaran yang mereka ni rasa ubat adalah satu-satunya jalan penyelesaian kepada penyakit.  
(bila situasi atas ni terjadi - aku + suami akan mula isyarat badan untuk convince each other that we know what we do is okay and we support each other gitu ) ^-^

tapi aku rasa bayi kami ni bijak, sebab dia macam paham2 je dia @ rumah atuk nenek dia yang memang xkan biar dia nangis. jadi dia pun mula la mengeluarkan suara dia yang merdu tu dimalam hari bila semua orang diulit mimpi sampi kami ibu ayah dia xsempat buat apa (sebab mamai) atuk nenek dia da terpacul depan pintu bilik untuk angkat & tenangkan dia.. @ this situation & time - i do feel so helpless  (--" ) 

but, i do prefer to read out - do a little reading & research to find out that there is an alternative way to treat this fever & cough without using medication (or as a last resort i would say) . so base on my findings they are :

** jadi kepada en.suami (kalau baca ni) thanks 4 ur support walaupun kadang2 dia pikir bini dia ni banyak songeh  

Friday 6 March 2015

-- frustrated --

kecewa - frust - sedih - emosi sangat~

when people so closed to u didn't support u.

while u purposely have a +ve intention ~ +ve mood like " I know I can do this "

hahaha bila serabut semua nak tulis kan?

ok, begini ceritanye.. to cut it short - im married with a cute hug-gable baby now.

he's so cute like bila dia kemam bibir dah look a like popeye tu. (so called Old School punya cartoon)

well, lots r saying that my baby is his dad Junior - which is right ~

both of them r so look a like..

yang menurun dari ibu dia ni cuma tang mata ( especially bab jeling menjeling )

~~ to be continue~~

Tuesday 11 September 2012


Hi there readers!

Familiar topic is it? Anyway I'am now facing some problems with my sleeping habit..LOL ~~  or should I say it as my sleeping disorder? What I noticed out is that, lately, I'm easily falling asleep if my surrounding is so silent and I've got nothing to do or as I'm getting bored with something.I might fall asleep at about +- 5 to 15 minutes..ha3..long enough aren't it?

Did any of you once experience the same situations as me? What do you think? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? What actually have cause it? Is it simply because am too tired? Or is it just my bad habits?
In case that you might be thinking it is all because of the lack of rest or sleep..I am normally sleep at 11pm~ and wakes up around 6am to 6.30 am..Ha3..its consider as enough sleep I believe.

Okay then..I need to continue with my for now~ I'll make a research and continue with this sleeping habits..
(- _ -)^